Volume 35, Issue 5 (August 2024)                   Studies in Medical Sciences 2024, 35(5): 361-369 | Back to browse issues page

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Asghari A, Riyahi M M, Kachoie A, Adeli S H, Shakeri M. A CASE REPORT OF A 30-YEAR-OLD MAN WITH SYMPTOMS OF PLEURITIC PAIN AND CHEST WALL SKIN ULCERS. Studies in Medical Sciences 2024; 35 (5) :361-369
URL: http://umj.umsu.ac.ir/article-1-6289-en.html
Clinical Research of Development Unit, Shahid Beheshti Hospital, Qom University of Medical Sciences, Qom Iran , akramasghari11@yahoo.com
Abstract:   (476 Views)
Despite the reduction of tuberculosis globally, new cases of this disease continue to be reported in Iran, although skin tuberculosis is uncommon and constitutes a small portion of new cases. The presentation of skin ulcers caused by cutaneous tuberculosis can mimic other systemic diseases, leading to clinical uncertainty. Cutaneous tuberculosis is classified into two types: the true type, characterized by the presence of bacilli in the affected skin, and the tuberculoid type, resulting from an allergic reaction.
This case report highlights a situation where a skin nodule, initially identified as cutaneous tuberculosis, was later confirmed through a lung biopsy guided by CT scan. It emphasizes the significance of medical history, physical examination, and considering the potential risk of disease spread during needle sampling procedures guided by CT scans.
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Type of Study: case report | Subject: عفونی

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