Volume 31, Issue 4 (July 2020)                   Studies in Medical Sciences 2020, 31(4): 267-281 | Back to browse issues page

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URL: http://umj.umsu.ac.ir/article-1-5206-en.html
Associate Professor, Department of Public Administration, Postgraduate Center of Payamenoor University of Tehran-Iran (Corresponding Author) , Dr_darvish@pnu.ac.ir
Abstract:   (2857 Views)
Background & Aims: Knowledge-based businesses active in the medical and health innovative eco-system play an important role in inhibiting the Covid-19 virus outbreak crisis. The current study deals with extracting and analyzing the key aspects of medical innovative eco-system and the role of innovative intermediaries in supporting the development of these businesses.
Materials & Methods: In terms of purpose, this study is developmental – applied, in terms of data collection, it is descriptive and survey and in terms of the origin of collected data, it is a mixed study (both quantitative and qualitative).The research tool for quantitative data collection was interview and qualitative data collection tool was a questionnaire created by the researchers themselves. In qualitative part, data-based method with the Glaserian approach (emergent and spontaneous) was used and in qualitative part structural equations and SMART-PLS3 software were used. The population of this study was faculty members of university of medical science (as experts) and CEOs and personnel of knowledge-based and technology-based companies that are active in medical innovative eco-system of Western Azerbaijan province, from which a sample of 162 subjects was chosen on the basis of Cochran formula.
Results: Significance level and path coefficients of the structural model obtained from the analysis, approves the impact of ecosystem variables and developing knowledge-based businesses in controlling the Covid-19 virus outbreak crisis.
Conclusion: Meanwhile, the research results emphasize the role of universities and innovative intermediaries of medical innovative eco-system, which shows that “cultural and social” and “scientific and technological” aspects have the maximum effect in the development of knowledge-based businesses and innovative actions in Covid-19 virus control.
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Type of Study: Qualitative | Subject: General

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