Volume 31, Issue 5 (August 2020)                   Studies in Medical Sciences 2020, 31(5): 353-347 | Back to browse issues page

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faramarzpour M, Rostamzade A, Gharebaghi N, Mahdkhah A. A LARGE BRAIN HYDATID CYST AND CARDIAC INVOLVEMENT. Studies in Medical Sciences 2020; 31 (5) :353-347
URL: http://umj.umsu.ac.ir/article-1-4852-en.html
Assistant Professor of Cardiology, Urmia University of Medical Sciences (Corresponding Author) , framarzpour.m@gmail.com
Abstract:   (3034 Views)
Echinococcosis is endemic in many sheep-raising areas of the world. Cardiac involvement in patients with hydatid disease is uncommon (<2%). Here, we report a 30-year-old shepherd from Oshnavie, West Azarbaijan who was presented with right hemiparesis and admitted in neurosurgery ward of Imam Khomeini Hospital, Urmia, Iran because of a large cystic lesion in brain MRI. There was left bundle branch block in ECG and transthoracic echocardiogram revealed a large cyst in the left ventricle. In endemic areas, hydatid cyst should be considered in the differential diagnosis of heterogeneous echogenic lesions even if the serologic tests are negative. This patient was candidate for a cardiac surgery but unfortunately due to the limitations in this city, he was referred to a more equipped center. Patient underwent cardiac surgery in that center and the brain operation was performed a few weeks later.
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Type of Study: case report | Subject: قلب و عروق

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