Volume 24, Issue 8 (Monthly 2013)                   Studies in Medical Sciences 2013, 24(8): 633-638 | Back to browse issues page

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Karimian Z, Bahrami N, Sangi S, sabermohammad A, Safar F, Kafai Atrian M et al . A SURVEY ON CORRELATION BETWEEN PREECLAMPSIA WITH MIGRAINE DURING PREGNANCY. Studies in Medical Sciences 2013; 24 (8) :633-638
URL: http://umj.umsu.ac.ir/article-1-1890-en.html
Department of Midwifery, Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, Dezful University of Medical Sciences , Bahrami.n@Dums.ac.ir
Abstract:   (10720 Views)


Background & Aims: Migraine is a benign syndrome and recurrent with nervous dysfunction symptoms. Preeclampsia is a pregnancy-specific syndrome that it is one of major reasons of mortality in mother and fetus. This study aimed to survey the relationship between preeclampsia in during pregnancy and migraine among women attending to Kashan hospitals in 2011.

Materials & Methods: This study was an analytical case-control study. The sampling was done through a non-randomized objective method. The women were divided into two groups, the case group (with preeclampsia), 132 women and the control group (with preeclampsia) 132 women. The research data collected using demographic feature, medical and midwifery questions, evaluation of preeclampsia and migraine. The p-value of less than 0.05 was considered significant.

Results: According to the findings, the mean of the pregnancy age in the case and the control group were 36.3± 3.9 and 37.9± 2.1 week (P<0.001). In addition, there was a significant increase in women with migraine in the case group (19 cases) compared with the control group (6 cases)( P<0.001). This study showed that Odds Ratio (OR) estimated that there was 3.6 times more history of migraine among the case group vs. the control group (Odds Ratio=3.6 CI= 1.3-5.9).

Conclusion: According to results of this study, early diagnosis of preeclampsia and appropriate treatment during pregnancy can reduce the risk of preeclampsia in pregnancy.

SOURCE: URMIA MED J 2013: 24(8): 638 ISSN: 1027-3727

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: آناتومی

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