Volume 22, Issue 4 (biomonthly septamber-octobr 2011)                   Studies in Medical Sciences 2011, 22(4): 369-378 | Back to browse issues page

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Nourani S, Aparnak F, Sadr Nabavi R, Ebrahimzadeh S. COMPARISON OF K-K9 AND P6 POINTS ACUPRESSURE ON NAUSEA AND VOMITING IN THE FIRST HALF OF PREGNANCY. Studies in Medical Sciences 2011; 22 (4) :369-378
URL: http://umj.umsu.ac.ir/article-1-1055-en.html
Abstract:   (21787 Views)

 Background & Aims: Nausea and vomiting are common complaints in early pregnancy. The Chinese acupuncture point P6 and the Korean hand acupressure point K-K9 were noted for the treatment of nausea and vomiting. The aim of this study was to compare K-K9 and P6 points acupressure on nausea and vomiting in the first half of pregnancy.

 Materials & Methods: This clinical trial study covered 99 pregnant women that were randomly divided into three groups: 33 women in the K-K9 group, 33 women in P6 group, and 33 women in the sham group. The study occurred in three sequences and over a ten-day period and the average total degree of nausea and vomiting was measured in three sequences by Rhodes index. During days 1-3, no intervention was done. During days 4-7, the K-K9 and the shame groups received acupressure seed and the P6 group had sea-band. During days 8-10 no intervention was used. The data were analyzed by ANOVA-Test, Kruskal-Wallis and Chi-square.

 Result: There was a significant difference in the average total degree of nausea during (p=0/004) and after (p=0/001) intervention, in the average total degree of vomiting during (p=0/000) and after (p=0/003) intervention and in the average total degree of retching during (p=0/009) and after (p=0/001) intervention between groups

 Conclusion: Acupressure on K-K9 is more effective in decreasing nausea. However, acupressure on K-K9and P6 point on the first half of pregnancy have same effect on reduction of vomiting and retching on the first half of pregnancy. Acupressure is a method for reduction of nausea and vomiting with no side-effect, and can easily be instructed to patients.

  Source: Urmia Med J 2011: 22(4): 379 ISSN: 1027-3727

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: آناتومی

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