Volume 32, Issue 2 (May 2021)                   Studies in Medical Sciences 2021, 32(2): 149-155 | Back to browse issues page

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Abbasi E, Ghazavi A, Nasimfar A, Mokhtari M. Evaluation of the Cerebrospinal Fluid Results Analysis and Culture in Infants under 18 Months with Simple Febrile Convulsion, Urmia Motahari Hospital, Iran, 2011 until 2016: A Retrospective Study. Studies in Medical Sciences 2021; 32 (2) :149-155
URL: http://umj.umsu.ac.ir/article-1-5424-en.html
Associate Professor of Pediatric Neurology,neurophysiology research center, Urmia University of Medical Sciences, Urmia, Iran (Correspondin Author) , Ghazavi.a@umsu.ac.ir
Abstract:   (3964 Views)
Background & Aims: This study aimed to evaluate the cerebrospinal fluid results analysis and culture in infants under 18 months with the diagnosis of simple febrile convulsion in Urmia Motahari hospital.
Materials & Methods: This retrospective descriptive study was conducted to evaluate the results of lumbar puncture in 223 infants under the age of 18 months with simple febrile seizures from 2011 to 2016. Patients’ information such as age and sex and the results of analysis and culture of cerebrospinal fluid culture were extracted from patients' records.
Results: Of 223 infants, 109 (48.8%) were male and 114 infants (51.2%) were female, with an average age of 9 months (age range between 5 to 15 months). Thirty-one of them (13.9%) had abnormal WBC (greater than 5/ mm3) and 192 (86.1%) had normal WBC (less than 5/ mm3). Twenty-four infants (10.8%) had an abnormal cerebrospinal fluid (protein more than 45 mg/dl) and 199 infants (89.2%) had normal cerebrospinal fluid (protein less than 45 mg/dl), 24 infants (10.8%) had abnormal CSF glucose level (less than 50 mg/dl) and 199 infants (89.2%) had normal CSF glucose level (more than 50 mg/dl). In 220 infants (99%), cerebrospinal fluid culture was negative and in 3 infants (1%), it was reported as unresponsive. Four out of 55 medical records (1.79%) were treated as bacterial meningitis and 5 (2.24%) of them were treated as aseptic meningitis.
Conclusion: Findings suggested that the patients under one year with febrile seizures should be carefully examined, regarding decision about conducting lumbar puncture (LP) for them.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: کودکان (عمومی)

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