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Dr Ali Ghafari Moghaddam, Dr Mohammad Taghizadieh, Dr Nahid Aghakhani, Dr Nayere Ebrahimi, Dr Ezat-O-Llah Rahimi, Dr Mohammad Ghasemi-Rad, Dr Saber Zafarshams Pour,
Volume 19, Issue 4 (winter 2009)

  A Ghafari Moghaddam [1] , MD M Taghizadieh [2] , MD N Aghakhani [3] , MD N Ebrahimi [4] , MD E Rahimi [5] , MDM Ghasemi-rad [6] , MD, S Zafarshams pour [7] , MD


 Received: 29 April, 2007 Accepted: 29 Oct, 2008


  Background &Aims: BK virus nephropathy is recognized as a cause of graft loss in renal transplant patients. The disorder may be related to the introduction of new, potent immunosuppressive regimens. We sought to assess the prevalence, outcome, and clinical characteristics of BK virus nephropathy.

  Materials & Methods: We retrospectively analyzed 160 specimens from episode biopsies. BK virus nephropathy was diagnosed by light microscopic examination and positive immunohistochemical staining.

  Results : Among 160 patients, 21 (13.1%) were diagnosed as BK virus nephropathy. The mean interval between biopsy and transplantation was 13.6 +/- 10.67 months. There were no significant differences between BK virus nephropathy patients and non-BKVN patients with respect to age, sex, interval between diagnosis and transplantation, cyclosporine blood level, and azathioprine versus mycophenolate mofetil immunosuppression. Graft loss occurred in 57.1% of BK virus nephropathy versus 12.2% of non- BK virus nephropathy subjects (P = .005). There was a significant difference between antilymphocyte globulin (ALG) - and non-ALG-treated groups with respect to the incidence of BKVN (6.6% in non-ALG versus 19% in ALG groups P < .01). BKVN was diagnosed by immunohistochemistry in 61% of specimens with acute rejection according to light microscopic evaluation.

  Conclusion : This is the first report of BKVN in Iranian renal allograft recipients. In our hospital, the prevalence of BKVN was higher than that previously reported for non-Iranian recipients. BKVN had a negative impact on graft survival .


 Keywords: Renal transplantation, BK virus, Immunosuppressive


  Address: Nephrology Department, Imam Khomeini Hospital, Urmia, Iran Tel: 0441-3469931




  Source: UMJ 2009: 19(4): 363 ISSN: 1027-3727

  [1] Assistant Professor of Nephrology, Urmia University of Medical Sciences, Urmia, Iran (Corresponding Author)

  [2] Assistant Professor of Pathology, Urmia University of Medical Sciences, Urmia, Iran

  [3] General Practitioner, Urmia University of Medical Sciences, Urmia, Iran

  [4] General Practitioner, Urmia University of Medical Sciences, Urmia, Iran

  [5] Resident of Internal Medicine, Urmia University of Medical Sciences, Urmia, Iran

  [6] Medical Student, Urmia University of Medical Sciences, Urmia, Iran

  [7] Medical Student, Urmia University of Medical Sciences, Urmia, Iran

Dr Mohammad Hassan Khadem Ansari, Dr Yusef Rasmi, Majid Manafi, Dr Ali Rahimipour, Dr Elahe Ghadermarzi,
Volume 21, Issue 1 (spring 2010)

Abstract Background & Aims: Atherosclerosis is the main reason of cardiovascular diseases, and risk factors incorporated in atherosclerosis involvement include infections like Helicobacter pylori. In the current study the incidence of contamination to Helicobacter pylori, atherosclerosis causing factors, and the effect of these factors on the serum levels of lipids and lipoproteins are studied. Materials & Methods: Along with determination of H. pylori infection, serum level of triglyceride, cholesterol, LDL-C, HDL-C, vLDL-C and cholesterol/HDL-C ratio were also identified in 100 patients with cardiovascular atherosclerosis and 89 healthy people as the control group. Results: Sera of 68% of patients and 49.5% of control group were positive for H. pylori infection (P<0.05). The results showed no significant difference relating to age in males and females and in control groups. Body mass index (BMI) also didn’t differ in the patients and control groups (P>0.05). There was a significant difference in serum levels of lipids and lipoproteins between the patients and the control groups (P<0.05). The results of this study after measurement of H. pylori specific IgG level showed that there was a significant difference in the H. pylori infection rate between the cardiovascular atherosclerosis patients with and without gastric disease (P<0. 05). Conclusion: The results of this study showed that among incorporating factors, seroprevalence of H. pylori specific IgG was higher in patients with gastric disease history than that in the control group, indicating that gastric diseases could incorporate in atherum creation and eventually cardiovascular disorders. Regarding to incoherent results of various studies, there is a necessity to determine the effects of H. pylori on cardiovascular disorders involvement risk. To find the real relationship between H. pylori infection and cardiovascular disease risk factors may be an important challenge to diminish cardiovascular disease involvement rate. Keywords: Helicobacter pylori, atherosclerosis, lipids, cardiovascular disease Address: Biochemistry Department, School of Medicine, Urmia University of Medical Sciences, Urmia, Iran Tel: (+98441) 2770969 Email: Source: Urmia Med J 2010: 21(1): 098 ISSN: 1027-3727
Dr Beitollah Alipoor , Sarvar Alipoor Aghiri , Dr Alirez Ostad Rahimi , Dr Abbas Delazar , Dr Mehran Mesghari ,
Volume 21, Issue 5 (Jan-Feb 2011)



Background &Aims: Reliable findings indicate that inflammatory factors and glycosilated hemoglubin (HbA1c) disorders has the main role in pathogeneses of diabetes and its complications. Traditionally plant extracts have been used for diabetes control. This study was aimed to examine the effect of total and different fractions of black tea on inflammatory factors and glycosilated hemoglobin (HbA1c) in diabetic rats.

Materials and Methods: This study was conducted on 56 rats which were randomly divided into 8 groups (7 rats in each group)and they were studied for one month. The weight of rats was 200 – 250 gr. Groups 1 and 2 were non-diabetic, groups 3–8 were diabetic, and diabetes was induced by intraperitoneal injection of streptozotocin 60mg/kg. Groups 1 to 8 were received by intraperitoneal injection: vehicle, total extrac (50mg/kgw), vehicle, total extrac (50mg/kgw)t, methanol fractions of 20%, 40%, 60%, 80% plus 100% respectively. In the end of study blood samples were taken from all groups and glycosilated hemoglobin (HbA1c) and inflammatory factors: Interleukin-1,6, TNFα and CRP were measured.

Results: In this study concluded that injection of total extract and 20% fraction of black tea had decreased inflammatory factors in diabetic and non diabetic rats (p<0.05). but did not on glycosilated hemoglobin (HbA1c).

Conclusion: It can be concluded that injection of total extract and 20% fraction of black tea had positive effect on inflammatory factors in diabetic rats.


    Source : Urmia Med J 2011 : 21(5):450 ISSN: 1027-3727

Fatemeh Pourteymour Fard Tabrizi , Dr Beitollah Alipoor, Dr Alireza Ostadrahimi , Dr Mehrzad Mehrzadsadaghiani,
Volume 22, Issue 2 (biomonthly 2011)

Background & objective: Polycystic ovary syndrome is the most common endocrine disorder and main cause of infertility due to anovulation in reproductive aged women.With regard to the important role of insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia in the pathophysiology of this syndrome and the role of zinc in structure and function of insulin hormone, as zinc dishomeostasis has adverse effect on the synthesis and secretion of insulin that lead to exacerbation of insulin resistance condition  therefore the aim of this study was to assess serum zinc and insulin concentrations in women with polycystic ovary syndrome.

Material & Methods: Sixty-five women with polycystic ovary syndrome who were referred to infertility and midwifery Clinic of Alzahra Women’s Hospital in Tabriz city, enrolled in this cross-sectional study. Serum zinc concentration was determined by flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Serum insulin level was measured with ELISA method and serum glucose level was measured by enzymatic glucose-oxidaze method. Statistical analyses were performed with descriptive-analytical methods. P-value < 0.05 was considered significant.

Results: In this study means of body mass index, waist circumference, fasting serum zinc, glucose, and insulin levels and mean intake of dietary zinc were: 29.39±1.65kg/m2, 97.24±6.42cm, 77.18±5.41µg/dl, 94.40±6.86 mg/dl, 18.33±8.24 µU/ml, 5.45±0.8 mg/day, respectively. There were significant negative relationships between serum zinc and serum insulin, insulin resistance index in women with polycystic ovary syndrome (r = -0.44, P= 0.001).

Conclusion: We recommend the nutritional-metabolic importance of zinc in polycystic ovary syndrome, and encourage the patients in consumption of zinc contents foods like marine meals and nuts.

Key Words: Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), insulin resistance, serum zinc, insulin


Source: Urmia Med J 2011: 22(2): 163 ISSN: 1027-3727

Rahim Sharafkhani, Najaf Ahmadi , Dr Shaker Salarilak , Dr Mohamad Hosein Rahimirad , Dr Javad Khashabi ,
Volume 22, Issue 2 (biomonthly 2011)


Background & Aims:  Tuberculosis as one of the most important infectious diseases in the world is considered lethal. About a third of the world is infected by Mycobacterium Tuberculosis. 95 percent of cases and 98 percent risks of death from tuberculosis occur in developing countries. This study investigated the prevalence of Tuberculosis infection among health workers and office workers in Urmia University of Medical Sciences.

Materials & Methods:  This cross-sectional analytical study with analytical aims was conducted in 2008. 299 health workers from the educational hospitals of Urmia (Imam Khomeini, Motahari, and Taleghani) and 110 office staff were selected through menu sampling step into a class were studied. The data were analyzed with descriptive statistics and Pearson Chi-square test.

Results: The prevalence of tuberculosis infection in health workers was 37.5% and office staff 18%. Statistically compared in terms of infection was different in two groups. There was no significant association in TB infection prevalence between medical staff with high and low exposure. Between the hours of practice per week, history of BCG vaccination, BCG Oscar size, sex and size of PPD diameter there was no significant association. There was statistically significant correlation between increasing experience of practice in the health care system and PPD adoration size.

Conclusion:  The results of this study showed that the prevalence of tuberculosis infection in health workers compared with general staff was high, this difference was statistically significant.




Source: Urmia Med J 2011: 22(2): 160 ISSN: 1027-3727

Dr Kamran Keivanpazhoh, Dr Mohamad Hosein Rahimi Rad, Dr Hamidreza Farrokh Islamlo,
Volume 22, Issue 4 (biomonthly septamber-octobr 2011)


 Background & Aims: International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation developed and published the Utstein style guidelines for reviewing, reporting, and conducting research on cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). We used this style to evaluate the effectiveness of in-hospital CPR for comparison.

 Materials & Methods: We prospectively analyzed the data on all cardiac arrest calls in Imam Khomeini Hospital, Urmia, Iran. Data were collected using the Utstein style.

 Results: There were 74 CPRs. The patients’ mean age was 54.68 years. In about 70% the initial rhythm was systole/pulseless electrical activity (PEA) and in 27% ventricular fibrillation/tachycardia (VF/VT). The first shock was delivered within 3.60 ± 2.75 minutes and the mean time from arrest to intubation was 12 ± 8.53 minutes. Return of spontaneous circulation was achieved in 28 (37.8%) cases. Survival to discharge was achieved in 13.5%. CPR success rate was 60%and 25% in patients with an initial rhythm VF/VT and systole/PEA, respectively (p=0.006). CPR was successful in about 48% in those with beginning of CPR within less than 3 minutes and15% in those with delay more than 3 minutes (p= 0.006). CPR success rate was 42% and 35% in patients with age<55 and more than 55 years old prospectively (p value= 0.296)

 Conclusions: To our knowledge this is the first report of CPR wit Utstein style in Iran. It is more likely for our patients to survive if the initial rhythm is VF/VT or beginning CPR earlier. Survival rate was less than similar studies.  

  Source: Urmia Med J 2011: 22(4): 383 ISSN: 1027-3727

Dr Mehrdad Mirzarahimi, Dr Mohamad Mazani , Hakimeh Saadati, Dr Abdin Binazadeh, Dr Afsaneh Enteshari,
Volume 22, Issue 4 (biomonthly septamber-octobr 2011)

 Background & Aims: Febrile convulsion is one of the most common causes of hospitalization of children in pediatric wards. The exact pathogenesis of seizure is not fully understood but involves several factors like genetic predisposition, changes in the levels of neurotransmitters, and some trace elements. The present study was conducted to evaluate the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) zinc (Zn) level in children with types of febrile convulsion.

 Materials & Methods: This descriptive-analytical study was carried out from August 2008 to October 2009 to see the status of zinc in CSF of 26 children (6 months to 6 years) with febrile convulsion. All the patients who entered the study had an indication for lumbar puncture. We collected CSF samples from all children and assessed the concentration of zinc using flame atomic absorption spectrophotometry (AAS). We compared CSF zinc levels regarding seizure type and sex of children using statistical analysis.

 Results: Mean CSF zinc level in simple and complex febrile seizures were 2.1081 ± 0.5655 and 1.575 0.2339 [ m g/dl), respectively. This difference was statistically significant (P= 0.01). However, there was no relationship between CSF zinc status with sex (P=0.19).

 Conclusion: These finding revealed that CSF zinc level is higher in simple febrile convulsions than the complex febrile convulsions. CSF zinc concentration (μg/dl) did not differ between boys and girls significantly.

  S0urce: Urmia Med J 2011: 22(4): 381 ISSN: 1027-3727

Sima Oshnooi, Dr Shaker Salari Lak, Dr Hamidreza Khalkhali, Dr Mohamad Karamiyar, Dr Mohamad Hosein Rahimi Rad,
Volume 23, Issue 1 (Biomonthly Apr-May 2012)


Background & Aims: Asthma is the most common chronic disease in childhood. Various results were found linking breastfeeding and childhood asthma. The aim of this study was to investigate the association between duration of breastfeeding and risk of asthma in children at age 2-8 years in Urmia district.

Materials & Methods: This case-control study was conducted on 200 cases that were selected from asthmatic patients. The control groups (n=400) with two controls per case were selected from other patient with irrelevant allergic disease and healthy children and were matched according to their age and gender.  Information related to duration of breastfeeding and other affected factors were collected using ISSAC phase II risk factor questionnaire in interview with patient’s relatives. The associations between breastfeeding pattern with risk of asthma were analyzed by multiple logistic regressions after adjust for affected variables using STATA 10 software.

Results: Duration of breast-feeding for two first years of life was associated with a reduced risk of asthma. However, continuing it for higher than two years was significantly associated with an increased risk. Exclusive breast-feeding for less than 6 months and using artificial feeding before 6 months increased risk of asthma among 2-8 year old children. But it wasn’t significant statistically.

Conclusion: Lasting of breastfeeding for first two year of life does not increase risk of asthma and exclusive breast-feeding for first 6 months of life has protective effect against asthma at 2-8 years.

SOURCE: URMIA MED J 2012: 23(1): 103 ISSN: 1027-3727

Rahim Rostami, Dr Maryam Ebrahimi, Asghar Beiranvand, Dr Mohammad Reza Aghasi , Hamideh Estabraghnia, Dr Jafar Nourooz-Zadeh ,
Volume 23, Issue 3 (Biomonthly Aug_Sep 2012)


Background & Aims: Despite adequacy of dietary iodine intake in the Islamic Republic of Iran, the prevalence of goiter is still high in certain parts of the country such as West Azarbaijan province.  This investigation was undertaken to evaluate urinary iodine excretion (UIE) and prevalence of goiter among (10-17 years-old) schoolchildren in Urmia County.

Materials & Methods: Schoolchildren (n=500 gender: girls) were enrolled by random cluster sampling from different schools districts in Urmia. Studied population comprised 158 primary schoolchildren, 257 secondary schoolchildren and 85 high schoolchildren. UIE was assessed by the Sandell-Kolthoff method while prevalence of goiter determined by palpation.

Results: Median UIE in Urmia’s education districts (1&2) were 145 µg/L and 142 µg/L, respectively. Median UIE in high school children was significantly higher than those in primary- or secondary schoolchildren. Prevalence of goiter in primary - , secondary- and high school were 9.5%, 15.2% and 8.2%, respectively.

Conclusions: The present study reveals that average goiter prevalence among schoolchildren in different education levels was 12.6%. This was markedly higher than the value (0.4%) reported by the 4th national survey in 2006. High prevalence of goiter among secondary schoolchildren is possibly associated with pubertal hormonal changes. Further should be conducted to evaluate distribution of thyroid antibody and autoimmune thyroiditis among school-age children Urmia County.


SOURCE: URMIA MED J 2012: 23(3): 340 ISSN: 1027-3727

Ali Reza Rahmani, Naser Rahimi, Edris Hosseinzade, Mohammad Taghi Smadi, Gorban Asgari,
Volume 23, Issue 6 (Biomonthly March-April 2013)

  Background & Aims : Right branch of Sarugh River is the main river in Takab city, north western Iran, which is located at downstream of present gold extraction plants. Cyanide leak aging from tailings dams of plants is a serious threat to the health of river. This study was conducted to evaluate Cyanide concentration and transferring cyanide to the river.

  Materials & Methods : In this cross sectional study, total Cyanide with some parameters such as dissolved oxygen, ph, turbidity, temperatuer, total dissolved solids, electrical conductivity, nitrate, ammonia and sodium measured monthly at 5 stations located along the river during spring and summer 2011. Cyanide concentration was determined in the station and compared with standard level (0. 07mgl-1). Cyanide concentration along river at sampling stations was zoned by ARC GIS 9.3.

  Results : In the stations located at upstream plants, the Cyanide concentration was below the detection limit (0. 002 mgl-1). The highest concentration of cyanide (0. 28 mgl-1) and soduim (74. 94 mgl-1) were at station C(downstream of Puya Zarkan plant). The cyanide concentration had sudden drop at station D (downstream of Pars Kani plant). Average concentration of cyanide in high- water season was higher than the low-water season.

  Conclusion : As results showed precipitation can cause to discharge the contents of the Pars Kani tailings dam into the river. Results showed the concentration of Cyanide along the river in sampling stations near gold extraction plant was higher than the standard levels and it is necessary to control leakage from the plants.


Morteza Bagheri, Isa Abdi Rad, Bahloul Rahimi, Fariba Nan Bakhsh,
Volume 23, Issue 7 (3-2013)

  Received: 19 Oct, 2012 Accepted: 22 Dec, 2012


  Background & Aims : Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) as a heterogeneous disease is one of the most usual women endocrine disorders and the leading causes of infertility by reason of unovulation. PCOS affecting about between 5 and 10 percent of females. The results of recent studies indicated that vitamin D has an important role in calcium homeostasis. Many investigators imply that it is necessary to study the influence of calcium and vitamin D consumption on ovulation especially in patients with PCOS. The goal of this investigation was to determine vitamin D receptor gene ApaI alleles and genotypes frequency in Iranian Azeri women with polycystic ovary syndrome and healthy controls.

  Methods & Materials: Total of 76 Iranian Azeri women including 38 women with polycystic ovary syndrome and 38 healthy controls entered at present study. RFLP-PCR method was performed for alleles and genotypes detection.

  Results : The frequencies of VDR ApaI were 0. 67 and 0. 33 in PCOS women, also 0. 62 and 0. 38 in healthy controls regarding A and C alleles. The allelic frequencies (%frequencies) of VDR ApaI were 51(67. 11), and 25(32. 89) in PCOS women, also 47(61. 84), and 29(38. 16) in controls regarding A and C alleles, respectively. Also, the genotypic frequencies(%frequencies) of VDR ApaI were 15(39. 47), 21(55. 26), and 2(5. 26) in PCOS women, also 12(31. 58), 23(60. 53), and 3(7. 89) in healthy controls regarding AA,AC,and CC genotypes, respectively. There was no statistically significant differences in VDR ApaI allele and genotype frequencies between studied groups (p-value >0. 05).

  Conclusion : The findings of present study for the first time in Iranian Azeri PCOS women imply that no association was found between the VDR ApaI and PCOS susceptibility.



  SOURCE: URMIA MED J 2012: 23(7): 820 ISSN: 1027-3727

Dr Mohammad Amin Valizadeh Hassanlouei, Dr Ebrahim Hassani , Dr Mohammad Hossein Rahimi Rad, Dr Seyed Hassan Adeli , Dr Nazli Karimi Sakhvidi , Dr Hale Boudag ,
Volume 24, Issue 1 (Apr-May 2013)


  Background & Aims : Various studies have tackled the correlation between serum magnesium and prognosis in patients admitted to intensive care units. This study aimed to evaluate the probable significance of hypomagnesemia in patients’ clinical outcome. If proved positive, preventive measures could be taken to reduce hospital costs, improve patient recovery, and decrease hospital stay of the patients.

  Materials & Methods : We evaluated two hundred and sixteen patients admitted to intensive care units of Imam Khomeini university hospital in urmia in the first five months of the year 1390 patients with brain death, deep coma, advanced organ failure and critically ill cancer patients were excluded. A test of serum magnesium was performed at time of admission to ICU and patients were followed during their hospitalization both in ICU and hospital wards. Duration of hospital stay, need for mechanical ventilation and its possible effect on morbidity and mortality were evaluated.

  Results : Out of 216 patients, 79 patients (36.58%) had normal serum magnesium levels. 69 patients (31.94%) and 68 patients (31.48%) had low and high levels of serum magnesium respectively. There was no statistically significant relationship between magnesium serum level and length of hospital stay, need for mechanical ventilation and mortality.

  Conclusion : Findings of the recent study together with previous ones indicate that magnesium deficiency could be documented in patients admitted to intensive care units but low level of blood magnesium is not related to increased mortality and morbidity or poor clinical outcome. We should remain vigilant against malnutrition and electrolyte abnormalities in critically ill patients

  SOURCE: URMIA MED J 2013: 24(1): 73 ISSN: 1027-3727

Dr Bahlol Rahimi, Davoud Rasouli , Dr Fereidoon Azizi, Dr Khadijeh Makhdoumi ,
Volume 24, Issue 2 (Monthly 2013)


Background & Aims: In recent years, many efforts to change the education system to improve medical and paramedical training have taken place. One of the changes incorporated is merging of Education in the Ministry of Health and setting up of community oriented medical education accordingly. The purpose of this study was to compare the rate of community oriented medical education physiopathology students’ perspective in the years 2005 and 2012 in Urmia University of Medical Sciences.

Materials & Methods: This descriptive-analytical study was conducted on all students in the physiopathology of Urmia University of Medical Sciences during the academic years 2005 and 2012 with convenience sampling. The sample included 47 Pathophysiology students in 2005 and 58 students in 2012.

Results: The most proficiency of the students in physiopathology course in 2005 are in Research Methodology of 46/8%, Medical leadership and management of 42/6%, and the Latest Medical Information of 40/4% and from the other hand the most deficiencies of the students in physiopathology course in 2005 are in Latest medical knowledge in the fields of Basic science, Disease prevention, Diagnosis and Treatment of diseases. However, the most proficiency of the students in physiopathology course in 2012 are in Research Methodology of 31%, Medical leadership and management of 19%, and the Latest medical information of 19%, and the most deficiencies of the students in physiopathology course in 2012  are in Social, Behavioral, and Human science.

Conclusion: Although the University has stress on community-based medical education, but still the University needs attempt to reach satisfaction and desirable points. The physicians need to be inside of community and match their educational needs according the environmental and communities change and need to have more and more community base medical education.

SOURCE: URMIA MED J 2013: 24(2): 96 ISSN: 1027-3727

Dr Mohammad Hossein Rahimi-Rad, Dr Sepideh Fathi-Bitaraf , Dr Yousef Rasmi , Dr Reza Dinparast,
Volume 24, Issue 2 (Monthly 2013)


Background & Aims: Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is considered as a systemic disease by chronic inflammation with exacerbation episodes. Fibrinogen is a marker of systemic inflammation. The aim of this study was to assess the relation between plasma of fibrinogen level with adverse outcome in COPD patients.

Materials & Methods: In this cohort study patients with acute exacerbation of COPD admitted to pulmonary ward were studied prospectively.  They were divided into two cohort, patients with high plasma fibrinogen (>400 mg/dl) and less than 400 mg/dl on admission day venous blood. The patients were followed for duration of hospitalization and any adverse outcome (death in the hospital, transfer to ICU, intubation and mechanical ventilation). Relation of fibrinogen level with outcome evaluated.

Results : Among 54 patients, 15 had adverse outcome, and 39 good outcomes. Among these two groups, the  mean plasma fibrinogen was 530±256.43 mg/L and 155.67±96.55, respectively (p=0.001). In 14 patients plasma fibrinogen level was >400 mg/dl and in 40 patients ≤ 400 mg/dl 

The rate of adverse outcome was 85.7%  in 7.5% in those with higher and lower fibrinogen level  (p value=0.001). The mean duration of hospitalization was 13.7±5.27 vs. 5.02± 2.06 days in fibrinogen > 400 mg/dl and  ≤ 400 mg/dl group respectively (p value=0.001)

Conclusion: Plasma fibrinogen obtained at admission day may assist identification of high-risk patients with acute exacerbation of COPD.

SOURCE: URMIA MED J 2013: 24(2): 103 ISSN: 1027-3727

Dr Bahlol Rahimi, Dr Naser Gharabaghi , Dr Zhila Hesari , Shabnam Balanji , Tahere Alinia ,
Volume 24, Issue 2 (Monthly 2013)


Background & Aims: Potential Drug Interaction (PDI) is one of the medicine error which can led to undesirable reactions in patients. PDI occures when effect of toxocity of one medicine is affected by another one. This study aims to examination of of PDI freguency, clinical value ranking and risk factors in ICU ward of Urmia Taleghani hospital, Iran in 2011.

Materials & Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out amog 193 inpatient of ICU ward. Data were collected retrospectively. Descriptive-analytical methods was used to analyse data including mean, median,  standard deviation and t-test. Data were anlysed by SPSS.

Results: Frequency of PDI was 73.6% and mean of PDI was 4.07. The most common PDI was Ranitidin + Midozolam with 26 (4.1%) of cases. grade of PDI was mild for 46 (7.9%), moderate for 192 (33%), sever for 51(8.8%), contradicted for 150 (25.8%), (), and unknown for 143 (24.4%). PDI effects manifested immediately for 195 (33.5%) and with delay for 384 (66.5%). 49.95 % of PDIs had significant clinical value and 41.19 % higly significant clinical value.

Conclusion: Knowledge of drug interaction, replacing of interacting drug with other drugs as much as possible, noticing of highly interacting drugs, deminishing number of prescribed drugs can reduce PDI number and its consequences.


SOURCE: URMIA MED J 2013: 24(2): 145 ISSN: 1027-3727

Edris Hoseinzadeh, Dr , Hasan Khorsandi, Naser Rahimi , Saman Hoseinzadeh, Mahdi Alipour ,
Volume 24, Issue 2 (Monthly 2013)


  Background & Aims : Water Quality Indices are one of the methods can be used in water quality management as a useful tool in decision making, so this study carried out on evaluating the quality of the Aydughmush river by National Sanitation Foundation Water quality (NSFWQI) and River Pollution Indices (Liou).

  Materials & Methods : In this cross sectional study standard field parameters including dissolved oxygen, temperature, Biochemical and chemical oxygen Demand, Most Probable Number of Coliforms, Fecal Coliform, Turbidity, Total Dissolved Solids, Total Solids, pH, conductivity and others were measured at eight different stations during one year (2010 to 2011). Sampling points were selected on the basis of their importance. From the water quality (WQI) the National Sanitation Foundation Water quality (NSFWQI) and from River Pollution Indices (Liou) that defined by Liou, were used for Aydughmush River water quality survey.

  Results : As results showed most of the water samples were found within Moderate category of National Sanitation Foundation Water Quality Index (NSF-WQI) and Good category base on Liou results.

  Conclusion : As results of numerical values ​​of Liou index showed, Station B had been polluted due to the high amount of biochemical oxygen demand and low dissolved oxygen levels. As this study showed using Liou is the same as NSFWQI with difference of their parameters and calculation method but they have same value in decision making.

  SOURCE: URMIA MED J 2013: 24(2): 164 ISSN: 1027-3727

Ahmad Alipour, Afsaneh Rahimi, Hossein Zare ,
Volume 24, Issue 7 (Monthly-Oct 2013)

  Background & Aims : The connection between mental health and marital satisfaction has been significant for researchers. The mental health plays an important role in family function and also in quality of life. The purpose of the present study was to examine the connection between the health of psyche and marital satisfaction in married students.

  Materials & Methods : This descriptive-correlative study was conducted on 320 samples that were selected from the married students of Payame-Noor University of Tehran (160 man and 160 women) by available sampling method. Examinees answered to the General Health Questionnaire of Goldberg (GHQ) and the Marital Adjustment Test of Lucke (LMAT). In order to analyze the data, we used Pearson Correlation Coefficient and Simple Linear Regression.

 Results: Correlation between mental health and marital satisfaction (r =0.42) was achieved. The results of Linear Regression also showed that the mental health with declaration power r2 = 0.18 can declare marital satisfaction variance.

 Conclusion: The achieved results from this study show that the health of psyche variable plays an essential role in marital satisfaction of couples.

  SOURCE: URMIA MED J 2013: 24(7): 565 ISSN: 1027-3727


Alireza Ostadrahimi , Parizad Taraghijou, Abdolrasul Safaeian,
Volume 24, Issue 9 (Monthly_Nov 2013)


Background & Aims: Prevalence of obesity has increased in the world. Nowadays, it is known that omega3 fatty acids have a key role in control of obesity. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of omega 3 fatty acids supplementation on Anthropometric status and desire to foods in obese adults.

Methods: This study was a double-blind, placebo controlled clinical trial. In our study, sixty-six obese adults were randomly allocated in two groups. Subjects consumed omega3 (180 mg EPA and 120mg DHA, intervention group) or placebo soft gels (placebo group) 1000mg twice a day for 4 weeks. Anthropometric measurements and desire to different foods were collected at the beginning and the end of the study. Visual analogue scales were used to assess desire to different foods. The data were analyzed by a Nested-repeated measure ANOVA model.

Results: There were significant changes in waist circumference in both groups after supplementation (P < 0. 05). Body weight and desire to different foods remained unchanged between intervention and placebo groups but there was a significant increase in desire to sweet and saline foods within the groups after 4 wk (P < 0.05).

Conclusion: Omega3 fatty acids supplementation can decrease waist circumference without weight loss. Therefore, high intakes of omega3 fatty acids via diet or supplements may be helpful for visceral obesity. 


SOURCE: URMIA MED J 2013: 24(9): 688 ISSN: 1027-3727

Isaac Rahimian Boogar,
Volume 25, Issue 1 (Monthly march 2014)


  Background & Aims: Cognitive-affective factors and demographical characteristics have an important role in prediction of symptoms severity and quality of life in generalized anxiety disorder. The purpose of this study was to investigate the role of cognitive-affective system and demographic characteristics in the severity of symptoms for generalized anxiety disorder.

  Materials & Methods: In a cross-sectional descriptive study, 128 outpatients with generalized anxiety disorder who attended three psychiatric outpatient's clinics of Tehran were selected by convenience sampling. Data were collected by The structured clinical interview, The Brief Core Schema Scales, The Cognitive-Behavioral Avoidance Scale, the Intolerance of Uncertainty Scale, Penn State Worry Questionnaire, Anxiety Sensitivity Index-revised, and demographical questionnaire and then analyzed by multiple regression analysis in stepwise method with PASW software.

  Results: Feeling worried, anxiety sensitivity and socio-economic status have important predictive role in severity of symptoms for generalized anxiety disorder (F(3,124)=60.85, p<0.001). These three variables were predicted 0.58 variation in symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder (R2=0.58) . Age, gender, literacy, intolerance of uncertainty, emotional schema and cognitive-behavioral avoidance didn’t have significant predictive role in prediction of severity of symptoms in generalized anxiety disorder (P>0.05).

  Conclusion: Regarding the important role of feeling worried, anxiety sensitivity, and socio-economic status in prediction of symptoms severity for generalized anxiety disorder, it is necessity to pay attention to tailored interventions in these symptoms for basic quality of life promotion in these patients.  


  SOURCE: URMIA MED J 2014: 25(66): 20 ISSN: 1027-3727

Mohamad Jebraeily, Bahlol Rahimi, Abbas Dolani, Farzaneh Farhang ,
Volume 25, Issue 6 (Monthly-Aug 2014)


  Background &Aims: Due to the large volume of the data generated in hospitals, it is essential to use hospital information system (HIS) in efficiently handling them. One of the major factors in the HIS is user participation that leads to correctly predicted factors and this fact also increase their commitment to the development of HIS. This study aimed to survey participation rate of users in different stages of HIS development and identified factors affecting it.

  Materials & Method : This descriptive-cross sectional study was performed on 140 users (including physicians, nurses, medical laboratorists, radiologists, HIM and IT staffs) from Urmia University Hospitals in 2013. The data were collected using a self-structured questionnaire whose reliability had been confirmed by specialists as well as its validity by internal consistency method (r =0.86) . The collected data were analyzed by SPSS software using descriptive statistics and analytic al statistics (t-test and chi-square).

  Results : Correlation analysis showed that a meaningful correlation existed between job and organizational change barriers (p =0.003) , and also between the history and attitudinal-behavioral barriers (p =0.006) . The highest participation rate of users in the four-stage development of the HIS was related to implementation phase (2.88) and the lowest participation rate was related to analysis (1.23). The test results showed that none of the stages of development (analysis, design, implementation, and evaluation) had satisfactory user participation (P < 0.05 ) . The most important factors in increasing user participation included established teamwork from end-users and the support of top managers from HIS development.

  Conclusion : According to the survey results, it seems necessary that health care administrators have a detailed plan for user participation that identify the real needs prior to the development and purchase of HIS, and predict ways to increase users’ commitment and motivations to develop maintain and upgrade the system.


  SOURCE: URMIA MED J 2014: 25(6): 487 ISSN: 1027-3727

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